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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

purple vw beetle for sale

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  • mdntcallr
    Sep 14, 09:33 AM
    yep i smell both the aperture update,

    and hopefully the merom MBP, don't think that the macbook will be updated with merom, they need to differentiate their pro and consumer lines. also, by using the core duo chips in the macbook, perhaps they can lower the price by $100 as the cpu cost is coming down from intel with the new merom out.

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  • cube
    Mar 30, 12:30 PM
    App Store was not a generic or broad term used to describe anything before Apple made it popular. They put those two words together and created a brand out of it.

    That's not true. I always find it annoying when I hear "THE App Store".
    Which app store?

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  • Cinch
    Oct 12, 03:44 PM
    I admire your commitment to the evolutionary approach. I would just like to point out that evolution has also created the compassion (or at least social conscience) that inspires this sort of effort. Perhaps this compassion is a trait that increases the survivability of our species in a way too. (I'm not suggesting that all traits increase survivability, but evolution has been going for some time now, and compassion has been a human trait for some time as well, so perhaps the two are friends for some reason).

    digressing to the point of no return..:D

    Compassion I think is an emergent phenomenon and I think there is an simpler explanation to your "quest" or debate here. What about individual wanting to create a nurturing environment (society) and helping others in time of need is a result of this behavior. Consequently, we construct a positive nurturing environment that is the "best" environement to raise our children (offspring). I think the new field of evolutionary psychology provides a very useful tool of looking human behavior.

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  • purple vw beetle for sale. Salvage Volkswagen Beetle 2.0l; Salvage Volkswagen Beetle 2.0l. Evangelion. Aug 12, 03:51 AM

  • Cheffy Dave
    Apr 22, 03:22 PM
    AMD Fusion w/RadeonHD 6xxx and Price drop to $799 for the 11" and $899 for 13.3" - now that would send the sales skyrocketing.

    What do you think of those specs Scottsdale ol friend?:apple:

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  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Sep 10, 06:35 AM
    The Woodcrest MacPro will suddenly feel very old if Apple manage to put Clovertown in MacPro early next year.

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  • Peace
    Sep 5, 05:56 PM
    Exactly why there'd be the video equivalent of airtunes... haven't you been paying attention?

    Yes I have..The only difference is I'm including the recording part.

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  • cxny
    Sep 13, 08:57 PM
    Odd that Jobs forgot to announce it yesterday......

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  • seabass069
    Aug 24, 04:12 AM
    I think this was all part of Apple's plan to start using Creative Labs' Audigy Technology in their computers. Apple has never really had a strong audio core. Now, with all the litigation overwith, I think the teams are going to come together. It might even be possible that Apple buys out Creative.

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  • jackaninny
    Mar 29, 12:27 PM
    Looks to me like a combined MS/Nokia actually LOSES marketshare. (26.4% down to 21.1%) - funny how the 'report' doesn't spin the numbers that way. I do find it humorous that these analysts think they can see 2015 with any semblance of accuracy.

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  • parenthesis
    Oct 12, 02:51 PM
    5% isn't a whole lot, considering Apple's profit margin is huge for iPods.

    But considering how many iPods Apple sells, it would amount to a significant amount of money for the charity.

    purple vw beetle for sale. Volkswagen Beetle for sale
  • Volkswagen Beetle for sale

  • BWhaler
    Aug 28, 11:01 PM
    Well, I was disappointed, but not surprised.

    Since no manufacturer is shipping until mid-September, it is no great shock that Apple did nothing today. Plus, they don't want to be grouped with those companies anyhow.

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  • Rocketman
    Sep 9, 08:58 PM
    Any word on the difference between the C2D 2.16 and the 2.33? Is it worth the upgrade price?

    The benefit should be nearly linear, so not much. I suggest putting the price difference in a fund toward your next computer in 2 years, when something even more cool and hard top pass up will be available.


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  • Rocketman
    Aug 31, 03:30 PM
    Google is buying up Dark Fiber. That means no end points into homes like Verizons FIOS has. The bottleneck for full length high resolution movies will be from decentralized distribution centers to the homes. Dark Fiber is helping, but not by much.

    Apple bought Worldcom's new telecom switch center.

    Google is buying Nortel's dark fiber.

    Google's CEO is on Apple's board.

    Nobody is going to run fiber to the last mile.

    The solution is Intel wimax and Samsung 4G.

    I told you so.


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  • Spyriadon
    Apr 30, 01:29 PM
    Also the obligatory:

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  • ComputersaysNo
    Apr 4, 12:01 PM
    The way i see it, is that the headshot wasn't point blank but rather unlucky as the robber got to his car before puffing his last breath. Maybe the robber moved his head in the trajectory, maybe the bullet bounced on something. Who knows what happend, but it doesn't sound like an aimed headshot to me.

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  • Purple Volkswagen Beetle For Sale | Cars Auction Sale

  • zenmac
    Jul 15, 07:51 AM
    Have anybody seen a benchmark which compares the core 2 duo with the actuall core duo?

    I can only see benchmarks between core 2 duo and AMD CPU's and standard dual core Pentium 4 cpu.


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  • Blakeco123
    Mar 23, 05:49 PM
    Do it apple!!!

    I agree with you. if someone is drunk and is still able to operate the app they could be a hazard if they avoid these points.

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  • ccoulson
    Mar 30, 12:20 PM
    Microsoft struck back ... saying "the compound noun 'app store' means simply 'store at which apps are offered for sale,' which is merely a definition of the thing itself--a generic characterization."

    Therefore, the compound name "Microsoft" must simply be a soft thing that is becoming micro in relevance (and business ethics)...

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  • vw beetle for sale.

  • MacRumors
    Apr 19, 06:39 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/19/samsung-to-respond-strongly-against-apple-lawsuit/)


    Sep 26, 09:55 AM
    No iPhone for me neither. But really, unless it was out-of-the-park good, there was no change I get one anyway.

    Is anyone else getting a bit tired of all this apple branding outside of the computer space? I mean, a phone? Why o why SJ? :confused:

    Okay, more Apple products out there means more brand recognition. More brand recognition means more people will be willing to check out Apple's hardware offerings. Got it?

    Sep 14, 10:09 AM
    OK, I'm new to Macs, and so I've never made a What's-Steve-gonna-do-next prediction before, but you guys are having too much fun; so I'm gonna give it a try!

    I think Apple set a precedent with the release of the C2D IMacs. It was a quiet release, and Steve didn't even mention them at Tuesday's presentation. I don't see why he would do anything different with the MBP's, unless Apple is releasing a drastically new model of the MBP, which I doubt since they have not even been out a year. So, if we get C2D MBP around this event, it will be next Tues or Wed, and it will be a semi-quiet release, just like the IMacs.

    I do think we'll see new cinema displays. Apple recently dropped the price of the current models and "updated" the specs, but I'm not convinced that there was actually any change in the hardware. There is no standardization to the monitor specs, so there's probably quite a bit of freedom that can be taken into assigning the different numbers. I called Apple store a few weeks ago to ask them about the new specs, and the guy didn't even know they had changed! I think the recent price drop signals an upgrade in the near future, and what better forum than a photography convention?

    Of course, I also think Aperture 2 will be there as well. I would also guess at new ISight cameras. The old ones are definitely starting to show their age, especially for the price.

    So to sum up:

    1. Possible quiet release of C2D MBP next week.
    2. Aperture 2, ISight camera, and new displays on the 24th.

    Just my thoughts.

    That was fun!

    Apr 30, 07:10 PM
    I beg to differ, My iMac 7,1 looks like the new ones. I have had it for over 3 years.

    Similar, but not the same. The new design came out in October 2009.

    New sizes, new aspect ratio, removal of plastic from the enclosure, removed the outer aluminum bezel, etc. And new guts, of course.

    Oct 12, 03:39 PM
    I'm saying that Africa will sort out it's own problems in time, when those individuals who recognize the problem for themselves get a voice. We can help, and every little bit helps, but it's not ours to fix. This is FAR FAR more complex and rooted than a kid who hurts his knee on a skateboard.
    I don't think anyone, from Bono to me, thinks red iPods are a complete solution. Of course complex problems have complex solutions. And yet programs like the ones Red supports--which are not limited to education--help.

    And speaking of cherrypicking, you left some things unaddressed :) I'm seeing a LOT more in your original post than just "we can't fix this alone." That much is true. But going on to say that Africans must be allowed to die so they can evolve and catch up is extreme and unreasonable.

    It's always nice to find a reason not to make something "my problem." That's a great feeling. But I think you have gone in a pretty bad "us and them" direction with that.

    Apr 22, 02:53 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I dont get it .... Why is every device other than the iMac getting these rumours ..... Hardly anything about iMacs since that Brian tong rumour ... Pfft

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