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Sunday, June 12, 2011

kate and william kiss

kate and william kiss. kate and william skiing kiss.
  • kate and william skiing kiss.

  • Silentwave
    Sep 10, 06:12 PM
    Maybe Steve will be using the new iChat Theater features of Leopard to do his keynote presentation ;)

    kate and william kiss. kate and william skiing kiss.
  • kate and william skiing kiss.

  • Josias
    Sep 10, 04:50 AM
    I guess Apple should'a put Conroe in the iMacs. Is there a chance this will mean Conroe will be in MacPro's?

    kate and william kiss. kate middleton william kiss.
  • kate middleton william kiss.

  • centauratlas
    Mar 29, 11:46 AM
    Exactly. The sad thing is that people pay them to predict something 4 years out like this. In a vibrant market like this, there is no way predictions 4 years out will be right. Maybe 1 year could be close.

    I shall come back to this prediction 4 years from now, and laugh at how dumb the prediction is.

    kate and william kiss. kate middleton prince william
  • kate middleton prince william

  • mBox
    May 4, 11:02 AM
    I'm beginning to think that most Apple users are just spoiled brats :P

    Don't like...don't buy it :)

    kate and william kiss. Marriage: Kate And William
  • Marriage: Kate And William

  • 0815
    Apr 20, 12:46 PM
    The fact that apple has a huge location database accessible by anybody with an app scares me. That's too much centralized data for somebody to do bad things with, even if it's not Apple. THAT is why this is a bad thing.

    :confused::confused::confused: Apple has NOTHING ! and NOTHING is accessible by everybody (except the owner of the device)

    The data is stored on YOUR phone and YOUR laptop ... Apple does not have a centralized database with that data - it is all on your devices.

    THAT is why it is not a bad thing

    The governments have those big databases, but that's a different story.

    THAT is the bad thing

    kate and william kiss. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • nunes013
    Apr 22, 11:09 AM
    yes! was hoping it would not be only songs purchased from the iTunes Store. will probably be a subscription service with Mobile Me, but if it was only iTunes purchased songs then that would be a deal breaker.

    streaming original masters of the song to prevent uploading is very smart, but will probably be only for iTunes purchased songs.

    could this possibly be why apple discontinued the MobileMe boxes and discount things. maybe if he is finalizing deals tomorrow there will be possibly be a special event or something soon. if not wwdc is only a little over a month away!!!!

    kate and william kiss. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • Coheebuzz
    Aug 23, 06:53 PM
    Speaking in Singapore this week, Creative CEO Sim Wong Hoo bullishly pronounced: "I'm planning to spend some serious money - I intend to out-market everyone."

    Wong Hoo to Creative engineer: "This is no good, i give you $1000000 more and i want something much much better"
    unCreative engineer: "Wooo Hooo, thanks Mr, Hoo, i'll do it in 128 different colors, am sure that it will turn the market upside-down"

    As Jobs said in his most recent keynote more money in R&D isn't everything, and if he says so i believe him.

    Unless Woo has something extraordinary under his sleeve - which he doesn't cause if he did he would not need more money - i see Creative in the same position in a couple of years from now. And then they'll try to sue somebody else.

    kate and william kiss. prince william kiss. kate
  • prince william kiss. kate

  • Hurda
    Apr 11, 05:40 AM
    Darn criminals.
    I hope their iDevices get banned from iTunes and these terrorists will be brought before court. :D:apple:

    kate and william kiss. Prince William amp; Kate
  • Prince William amp; Kate

  • Eidorian
    Sep 10, 05:31 PM
    What tone? Yeah I don't want to spend that much. I'm thinking $4k max for an 8 Core-In-One Mac Pro. I'm sure I'll be pretty happy with 8 until I find out I still have to wait a lot for video compressions to happen. Then I'll be right back here complaining about how 8 cores isn't enough either.I still wonder if all this video editing is personal or for profit. :rolleyes:

    kate and william kiss. William and Kate are
  • William and Kate are

  • Fraaaa
    Apr 22, 12:11 PM
    Should I be pissed having bought the new SSD MB Air 4 months ago?:confused: I deserved some TB speeds.

    You'll be fine.

    kate and william kiss. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 20, 01:22 PM
    Wasn't this the same info they told us about when they were collecting signal information?

    Location and signal strength.

    kate and william kiss. prince william and kate middleton kiss. kate middleton kiss. The kiss
  • prince william and kate middleton kiss. kate middleton kiss. The kiss

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Sep 15, 06:26 PM
    This doesn't mean they will just re-brand a phone...it might just mean they are buying transmitters/etc. from other sources rather than engineering their own. Depending on what they buying "off the shelf," this only makes sense...why re-create the wheel?

    Of course they may end up just re-branding a phone, but that doesn't really seem like the Apple thing to do.
    Apple will most likely buy a platform from a manufacturer like SonyEricsson. That doesnt mean it will look or feel like a SonyEricsson. LG has bought platforms from SE and they differ quite a lot from SE's phones.

    kate and william kiss. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • malnar
    Apr 20, 01:53 PM
    Oh, my God! Somebody will know that I took the train! (If, of course, they are security researchers or police officers or vengeful wives who hire a tech detective). So what? Apple does what a responsible corporation must: it won't give out your location without your permission, each and every time.
    You're not getting it. You are looking at a sunny-sky situation where nothing bad ever happens. Let's look at it from my perspective, a real-world perspective: my Macbook, which was used to sync my iPhone and my wife's iPhone, was stolen last fall. So who has all of this supposedly "safe" data now? Whoever has that Macbook. Probably nothing will ever happen, but now I have that little thing in the back of my mind thinking, "Hmm, if that guy happens to read about this and happens to still have it, he could theoretically track our normal daily movements." In other words, he'd know our daily routine - you know, most people have a routine and stick to it and don't think a second thing about it. Conceivably, he could come back and strike again because he has a good feel of when we're not there. I'd say the likelihood of this happening is extremely low. But it could happen because of this. (And we know the Macbook was used for a long, long time because of Zumocast - had it on our iPhones and her computer and saw him logged in all the time, starting a couple days after he stole it. Was actually able to recover some family videos that way, actually.)

    That's what you don't get. People shouldn't even have to worry about this. That kind of data shouldn't be available, period. PERIOD. And don't tell me to encrypt my iPhone backups, that's water under the bridge. Why doesn't iTunes encrypt them automatically, hmm? There's no need for any of this.

    kate and william kiss. Kate+and+william+kiss+on+
  • Kate+and+william+kiss+on+

  • patseguin
    Sep 12, 02:16 PM
    Are these enhancements in software, so my existing 5G iPod video will reap the benefits of games, gapless, movies, etc.?

    kate and william kiss. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • W1MRK
    Mar 23, 06:04 PM
    I am for this app and I used to assist Local Law Enforcement at these types of events as a Vol. Emergency Management officer.

    The fact of the matter is that while they remove some drunks off the road the Vast majority of tickets are for seatbelt, insurance, registration, and other minor factors. My Wife was ticketed 1 mile from our house ( at a "drunkcheck" ) for not having her license on her. The Round Lake Park, Illinois cop was to lazy and wanted his quota so he didn't run her in LEADS (Database) or call it in.

    I saw the light. One thing to check for drunk drivers. Another completely to work for the budget.

    Yes I wasn't a cop. But I stood next to them the whole time, an oh what I saw and Heard. ( I really should write a book )

    Please Apple Keep this App. Like someone who is drunk will remember to check this app while driving or update it for the rest of us.

    Michael Kulis

    kate and william kiss. as William and Kate kiss
  • as William and Kate kiss

  • kobyh15
    Apr 25, 01:40 PM
    Hilarious to all those people who jumped on the THUNDERBOLT bandwagon. No thunderbolt devices yet and they have the hideous old case design.


    Maybe people bought a computer because they needed it? And the case is far from ugly, give me a break. I want to say more but I am going to hold my tongue.

    kate and william kiss. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • andy721
    Mar 29, 12:42 PM
    Why do you guys keep posting your crappy Market Share records they're not even close to the other leading OS's
    Are you guys morons or just smoking crack? :mad::confused:

    kate and william kiss. kate kateprince william
  • kate kateprince william

  • amberashby
    Sep 12, 09:11 PM
    I just updated my 5G, but I don't see the search function. Anyone else?

    kate and william kiss. Kate amp; William, 2011 April 29
  • Kate amp; William, 2011 April 29

  • Chaszmyr
    Sep 13, 08:59 PM
    Please don't post artist renditions to the front page! It gets my hopes up too far.

    Apr 16, 05:58 PM
    Yeah, I said Thunderbolt would take over the world when I said that USB and Thunderbolt were complimentary. :rolleyes: Thunderbolt for high bandwidth, USB for low bandwidth.

    Yeah, super complex high speed adapters that we've seen done time and time again in an affordable manner. :rolleyes:

    Glad you're done arguing. Clearly you only had two points to try and refute and it would be embarrassing for you to just leave the rest of my previous post with no replies.

    No, it's more like I'd get banned if I really said what I thought. I'm clearly dealing with someone that knows very little about USB.

    Apr 22, 02:05 PM
    Netbooks do not have optical drives. Ultraportables do.

    The MBA looks good as a netbook. It looks bad as an ultraportable.

    MBA and MBP are two different markets.

    MBA is for people that want light. MBP is for people that want a full featured notebook.

    So you want a big MBA.

    If they could have the same processors, that would happen already at 13".

    So, ONE netbook which has an optical drive. Which makes the MBA look bad because it doesn't have one.

    Actually, most netbooks make the MBA look bad because it doesn't have gigabit ethernet.

    And a 15" Zacate which is not a notebook because the CPU is too weak, it's not a netbook, and it's not an ultraportable because it's too big would make an MBP without optical disk look bad because of the price, even if it has little reason to exist (unclassifiable in a bad way).

    I heard the name HP Envy, but I never bothered looking what it is. So yes, I ignore it.

    So, if there's no option to have heated seats in the Audi, that looks bad.

    My god, I haven't found myself reaching for the ignore button on this forum in a long time. You've just reset that timer.

    W. Ademczyk
    Aug 28, 11:24 PM
    Don't get me wrong, I would welcome a new enclosure but I think that allowing the prospect of one to be the determining factor in the purchase of a machine is ridiculous. As much as I would LOVE to have a gunmetal colored mbp, if it came out tomorrow I wouldn't be upset that I have a silver one because I truly do love my machine. Apple will always continue to innovate and release new products, and IMO now that they're using intel chips the rate of obsolescence will increase (in terms of harware and performance more than appearance).

    More than likely a new case would mean a snazzy magnetic latch, a user replaceable HDD, and possibly an end to the MBP heat issue. When a 120 gb ipod comes out, is that the HDD you want in your computer? Besides, this is Apple we're talking about--do you really think any design change is going to be a demotion? Has any Apple redesign sucked? Ever?

    Sep 11, 07:17 AM
    But the top gamers want more than one card with SLI and that means a different form factor.

    That's a very, very small market.

    Half-Life on the PC sold 8 million out of a market of 250 million PCs bought that year. ie. 3% of PC owners bought it. I'd guess the number of those running SLI is in the order of that kind of percentage again, maybe 10% of that 3%.

    And that's a top game. Most decent games sell in the order of 1 million.

    The Sims sold 16 million and doesn't need SLI at all which IMHO goes to show that developers should concentrate on original games instead of yet another FPS.

    Aug 23, 10:15 PM
    Do you mean the cost of litigation or the potential award had Apple lost the case? It does seem like Apple wasn't very confident that they could win the case...after all Creative did file the patent before Apple, Creative was awarded the patent, and Apple was denied their patent. The iPod has brought Apple billions of dollars in revenue...a judgment against them could easily have cost them much more than $100 million.

    The cost of litigation would not even remotely approached 100 million. The cost of losing (ie, having a judgement against apple), now that would have probably exceeded 100 million. When a company is not sure about it's position, the best thing is to settle. You don't see IBM settling their Linux suit, do you?. And SCOunix hasn't even paid close to 100 mil in lawyers fees yet and they are fighting a losing battle.. no, if you are sure, you don't settle.. if you not sure or have even a sliver of doubt, it's better to settle. I'm sure apple filed the countersuit and initially decided to fight in hopes of having creative go away (basically, apple was bluffing).. you have to believe they knew they were infringing.. It does not matter what we think of the patent system.. that same patent system serves apple needs too. You live by the patent system, you sometimes get caught by it. Seems fair to me.

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